Autonomy: the next level

How might we create a testbed for short sea autonomy for various applications to learn and overcome the challenges of autonomous shipping on short-sea.

Related event

Autonomy: the next level

Inspiration session: autonomous shipping - the next level

MCA LABS and Teams

Basic premise

Flanders and Belgium are leading globally on autonomous vessels, especially in in-land shipping. We would like to take this progress and move it to the next level: short sea. Pushing the boundaries of the current technology, but also tapping into new markets like CSVs, short-sea shipping, coastal shipping and RoRo.

Challenge definition

How might we create a testbed for short sea autonomy for various applications to learn and overcome the challenges of autonomous shipping on short-sea.


Matched SDG’s

MCA focuses on the following sustainable development goals.

E WEB Goal 04
E WEB Goal 07
E WEB Goal 09
E WEB Goal 12
E WEB Goal 17
E WEB Goal 03

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