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Past events

Digital twins

Inspiration session: digital twins

MCA LABS and Teams
Circular ship design

Inspiration session: circular ship design

MCA LABS and Teams
Autonomy: the next level

Inspiration session: autonomous shipping - the next level

MCA LABS and Teams
Roadmap for maritime nuclear technology

Inspiration session: roadmap for maritime nuclear technology

MCA LABS and Teams
Maritime crew wellbeing

Inspiration session: maritime crew wellbeing

Maritime cybersecurity

Inspiration session: maritime cybersecurity

People transport on the river Scheldt

Inspiration session: people transport on the river Scheldt



Auto­no­my: the next level

How might we create a testbed for short sea autonomy for various applications to learn and overcome the challenges of autonomous shipping on short-sea.

Auton Shipping 1080x1920 Bluetranslate.readMore

Cir­cu­lar ship design

How might we create a circular plan for ships that enable for vessels to become more modular and flexible in changing times and ensuring that a more circular ship with more circular material choices is made competitive in the current financing models with old-school vessels.

Circular ship design 1080x1920 Bluetranslate.readMore

Digi­tal twins

How might we define key areas in the maritime where digital twins are essential? How do we ensure that all relevant end-users and stakeholders of those digital twins are involved in their definition and deployment, to ensure that interoperability and all user needs are captured in the relevant digital twin?

Digital Twins MCAtranslate.readMore

IoT sen­sors

How might we combine industry robustness and innovative agility in the choice of IoT Sensors and IoT Platforms to ensure that enough data is available to make insightful decisions and develop new data-driven applications.

IOT 1080x1920 Bluetranslate.readMore

Mari­ti­me crew wellbeing

The maritime industry is facing a war for talent on all aspects of the business. For the crew on the ship this is no different. Crew health and wellbeing is becoming a very important factor to ensure long-term engagement from talent for the industry.


Mari­ti­me cybersecurity

How can we develop a neutral and objective organisation to entrust the maritime cybersecurity risks? Can this organisation also serve as a reliable and neutral source for information and trainings?


Road­map for mari­ti­me nuclear technology

How might we ensure that the needs of the maritime for propulsion and the development of next generations of small portable nuclear reactors are aligned, to create a clear viable roadmap for Nuclear Propulsion as an option in the energy transition of the maritime.

Nuclear propulsion 1080x1920 bluetranslate.readMore

Peo­p­le trans­port on the river Scheldt

How can we develop a new platform for efficient and effective people transport over water? From within the MCA Community, we felt the need to find a solution to this issue. We want this platform to function as a testing ground for new technologies that can be applied at the scale of maritime technology.
