MCA goes for sustainability on land and at sea
MCA wants to go for an efficient and sustainable maritime sector. It is therefore in MCA's DNA to work on the greening of the maritime industry in the context of the full energy transition. MCA researches and invests in different pillars: efficiency, effectiveness, economy, ecology, ship management, safety and health. This DNA is expressed in the development of the campus; clean shipping translates into sustainable building.
The challenge for MCA is the complete transformation of what it was: a lubricating oil factory decades ago, into what it will become: an innovative campus.
MCA's ambition is to transform the site into a valuable, green and healthy environment that steps away from the classic industrial past towards an innovative, sustainable and clean future. This is evidenced by the thorough decontamination that MCA is currently carrying out to convert the heavily contaminated soil into a quality basis for the construction of the buildings.
Sustainability and circularity
MCA sets the bar particularly high for these buildings in terms of sustainability, energy efficiency and circularity. A BREEAM outstanding and WELL platinum certification will demonstrate this objectively.
The energy demand of the main building is fully covered by renewable energy generation on the site itself. In the choice of materials, a life cycle approach is important. For example, the concrete from the old site will be reused in the concrete of the new building.
Green buildings
Because of the site's unique location in the green space, it is a logical progression for MCA to commit to greening as much as possible. Due to MCA's strategic objectives for a sustainable maritime sector, MCA wants to extend this vision to the physical campus that will help realise these objectives. For MCA, the site must and will therefore become a green business park.
In the context of supporting the local fauna, biodiversity and the green character, the buildings will be designed to be nature inclusive. The architecture contributes by using circular and local materials but even more by its timeless and qualitative architectural concept with the provision of green roofs, animal shelters and intelligent dimming of light sources.
Green environment
The raised green deck landscape contributes to a pleasant outdoor experience for the users and visitors of the site, as well as to sustainable interventions, such as in the area of water retention that enables infiltration of rainwater into the soil of the site and the polder environment.
There is a strong focus on the interaction between the site and nature. The densification of the campus' functions through efficient use of space permits the use of a more limited area of the site. This offers the opportunity to return a substantial share of 20% of the site's surface area to nature. The focus is on the zones around the site to ensure a seamless transition. In addition, there will be a green corridor in the middle of the site. This initiative is in line with the vision of MCA, not only in terms of sustainability, but also in terms of strengthening the local nature values. In concrete terms, this area will be laid out with local greenery and marsh-like water features. MCA will be supported by ecologists and sustainability experts so that the site can fit in perfectly with its surroundings.
Sustainable mobility
Because of the maritime character, it speaks for itself that the water side is extremely important for MCA. The Scheldt is important to bring people to and from the MCA. In this way, it becomes an experience to come to the MCA via the water. Furthermore, people are encouraged to travel by bicycle, for example by using electric bicycles. Various sharing systems and, in time, shuttles or buses should also offer the possibility of leaving the car at home.