Movin'On Impact - Financing the transition of long term mobility capital goods
A recap of the day-seminar in Antwerp on 17 October
Financing the transition of long term mobility capital goods
Where lies the common interest between the maritime transport business and on land mobility solutions? To connect these dots, MCA partnered with Movin'On, the world's leading ecoystem of strategic anticipation and co-innovation for sustainable mobility (created and inspired by Michelin in 2017).
On Tuesday, the 17th of October, the first topic about financing the transition of long term mobility capital goods was brought to the table.
CMB about financing sustainability in maritime
The first session kicked off with an inspiring presentation from CMB (Company Maritime Belge) on financing sustainability in maritime.
Afterwards, session host François Johnston opened up the minds for the workshop showcasing successful 'as a service' business models from other sectors.
The perfect start for each workgroup to start exploring:
- What segment to explore?
- What key questions & ambitions?
- With whom?
- What next steps?